About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Lexicon Philosophicum is a peer-reviewed, open access journal, with an interdisciplinary character. It aims at contributing critical essays, short articles, text editions, and critical bibliographical reports on intellectual history by focussing on philosophical and scientific texts. Particular attention is devoted to technical and specialised terminology, lexica, and translations. A specific section is open to contributions in the field of Digital Humanities (such as digital scholarly editions, corpora creation, semantic web research).

Peer Review Process

Lexicon Philosophicum is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal.

The Peer Review process starts with general eligibility and quality check by the editors.

Eligible papers will proceed to a double-blind peer review stage, in which two reviewers will be selected to evaluate the paper. The identity of the reviewers and the authors is kept confidential from each other. In any case of strong disagreement between the two reviewers, the editor might ask the opinion of a third reviewer.

This process typically takes in the range of 2-4 months. Authors will be notified of one of the following decisions:

  • Accept as-is: the paper will move directly to the copyedit stage.
  • Accept pending revisions: The submission is accepted for publication, with minor revisions based on the reviewers' feedback.
  • Revise and resubmit. The submission has potential but needs revision based on the reviewers’ feedback. Resubmissions will be sent out for a fresh review, and will, in most cases, be reviewed by one of the original reviewers. If necessary, further revisions may be requested until the article is suitable for publication.
  • Decline: The submission is declined as unsuitable for the journal.

In the following editing stage, our copyeditors will check the adherence of the paper to the journal's editorial guidelines. In case of major discrepancies, the author might be asked to edit their paper. This process usually takes 1 to 2 weeks.

All the papers that have successfully completed the review process will be published in the following issue of the journal.

Open Access Policy

Lexicon Philosophicum provides free immediate open access to its contents.

The individual contributions to Lexicon Philosophicum are licensed under a Creative Commons General Public License ‘Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-Alike’ (CC BY-NC-SA). The licence, while granting the paternity and integrity to the original author(s), permits public and unrestricted access to the works, their use, copy, reproduction, and redistribution, provided that such uses are not commercial. It also allows the creation of derivative works (such as translations and adaptations), provided that the derivative works are distributed under the same licence as the original works.

Publication in the journal is free of charge. The journal requires no APCs (Article Processing Charges) or other hidden costs from the authors.

Repository policy

We encourage authors to post their pre-publication manuscripts in institutional repositories or on their websites prior to and during the submission process and to post the Publisher’s final formatted PDF version after publication without embargo. These practices benefit authors with productive exchanges as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.

The individual contributions to Lexicon Philosophicum are licensed under a Creative Commons General Public License ‘Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-Alike’ (CC BY-NC-SA).

Code of Ethics of the Journal

See the Publication Ethics page.

Legal information

Periodico iscritto al n. 216/2013 del Registro della Stampa del Tribunale Civile di Roma. Direttore responsabile: Antonio Lamarra - Condirettore: Enrico Pasini

Sources of Support

Sapienza - Università di Roma
Dipartimento di Filosofia

Journal History

Lexicon Philosophicum is an editorial initiative of the Institute for the European Intellectual Lexicon and History of Ideas (ILIESI-CNR). The journal is the result of a previous experience and a new opportunity. Since 1985 the ILIESI has published under the same title Lexicon Philosophicum twelve volumes in the form of ‘notebooks’ (Quaderni), which appeared in the series “Lessico Intellettuale Europeo” of the Olschki publishing house. The initial editors were Antonio Lamarra and Lidia Procesi, followed by Antonio Lamarra and Roberto Palaia. These volumes were miscellaneous books mostly oriented to the outcome of research and studies developed within the institute. Their focus was the history of philosophical terminology as a privileged access to the history of ideas.

On the occasion of the participation in the European project Agora: Scholarly Open Access Research in European Philosophy (2011-2013), we decided to transform this series of volumes into an international online journal, that would be semantically linked to the textual archives of the ILIESI’s portal Daphnet.

After the end of the Agora project, ILIESI continues to publish the journal in its online form, aiming to continue providing open-accesso, high-quality scholarly content.